Marie-Helene Menard

Marie-Helene Menard

"Aime Faith"

Painting / Abstract  mediumship


Marie-Helene Menard


Steps Marie-Hélène Menard

Faith's creations, her all in color that emits an emotion transmitted in each of her paintings. The work is in spontaneous meditation, connecting to the subtle that surrounds everything or everyone. It's not an escape from reality, it's a return to the essence. It's not cutting oneself off from the world, it's relating to it. It's not forgetting your soul, it's living in it. It is an understanding of universal love to guide you on your path and find your inner peace. Take time…a moment…let yourself…surrender…. in front of this art! You will discover treasures that only you will be able to unsaddle. You are unique and her paintings are all the more so… Which is, on the order of magic. When you converse with Faith through her art, there is an exchange or quite simply a call from the Universe and surprises you with its Creativity. There is a discernment between black and white, you have to navigate between its dark and light part. Discover that life is a rainbow of colors, linked to emotions, and you will see a revelation. The field of possibilities appears obvious. Nothing is fixed, everything can be transformed. This art blooms like a bud at the dawn of spring.

Marie-Helene Menard

Works for the “Helios World Exhibition”

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Marie-Helene Menard

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