2011 Expo Sud-Sud

Mezin (47)

- France -



South West / South East

ALAF Cultural Space


Painting / Digital Art

August 20 to 29, 2011

Statistical: 300 visitors

Art Music

Naou Peyros folk dance group from Réaup-Lisse

Photos - diapositives  1 minutes

The echo of the press

Last summer exhibition of the ALAF Cultural Center. The Sud-Ouest Sud-Est meeting exhibition will take place at the ALAF cultural center from August 20 to 29. Its opening took place in the presence of Christian Bataille, mayor of Mézin and vice president of the general council and of the folk dance group Naou Peyros de Réaup Lisse. This pleasant exhibition offered the public two lights and two different visions from the artists. This demonstration was the last of the summer. ALAF a rising gallery. This has won the bet in four exhibitions of interested parties. A large audience, whether from Mézin or the surrounding area, or further afield from Agen, Toulouse or Bordeaux, or simply tourists passing through. The thousand visitors were exceeded, underlining the region's great interest in this artistic premiere. The cultural center does not close its doors and plans for November "a big sale of works of painting" and for December a Christmas market bringing together many fanatics of art and regional producers. ALAF thanks its partners for their participation over the exhibitions; The Boué farm, the Haouas farm, the Gagnet farm, the Domines de Meillan and Magnaut farms and the Mézin cellar.

Partner / Sponsor

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